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Sunday 7 May 2017

Don't take my record away.

For some what bizarre reason or just a pr exercise the I. A. A. F wish to wipe out all records that athletes have done before 2005.This is due to the doping that has gone on and still does and there wish to clean  the sport up..I think testing should be more effective, I myself would not take enhancements to get me better at sports.

Barbed Brown tailed moth larvae invade seaside village.

The larvae of the barbed tailed moth can cause trigger severe rashes, headaches for anyone that touches them. Millions of this moth have invaded the seaside village of Heybridge basin near maldon, Essex

Even in death my social media may live on

I watched a programme called rest in pixels the other day in which it showed you the various ways dictated sites keep your social media going after your death. This program was interesting to watch but I  think raise some moral questions. Death is a taboo subject but we all wish to be remembered don't we.

Please Mr moth don't eat my clothes

Here are some facts about moths who like feeling on your clothes. Moths can lay 400 eggs in 3 weeks, the eggs hatch into larvae who munch on your clothes for around 6 months before spinning a cocoon and turning into adult moths. Moths eating dyed fabrics can turn the matching colour, moths prefer expensive natural fibres, clothes moths do not fly towards lights at night.

Saturday 6 May 2017

My plea for help via cfz

Hi cfz people I wander if you could help me with some information or ideas about a illness I have been informed about. Well here goes I have been told I have mild small vessel disease of the brain with global decline which effects my cognitive skills in my daily life and I have tried various methods to find out information in can understand as I get confused I also am trying to find a support group to help me and others who are like me but if none I would like to know how to start oni am asking you as I know this is a community who believes in trying to help other people. I am sorry this is not your normal post but I believe you will not mind and a massive thank you to  Jonathan Downes for letting do this. If you wish please fb message me mark antony raines aka ghostman.

Mystery of formation of world's biggest volcano solved

Mystery of formation of world's biggest volcanoes solved

Fossil news